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I'm feeling a little distracted these days. No matter what I do, emptiness struck me. I've began to reminisce those beautiful memories I had last year. Who'd knew that people tend to change over the years. I'm slowly losing my friends ever since I've entered higher secondary. Those painful memories of insults, lies, and manipulation slowly defects my name to the people I care about. People who were there for me. Even though I kept my head held high and my smile in place, it's never enough to mask the broken soul underneath this layer of skin, muscles and blood. The pain can still be felt when i tried to reconnect with old friends (or so I thought they were...). I still welcome them and hand them my greetings although they still had doubts. How much more of this can I take? How much longer do I have to put up with them? Though the heart aches but I still held on to my oath. I'm down but not out. Those out there who are still against me, you can try to put me down but it won't be easy. In this midst of pain, I'll do whatever it takes to make me a better person. I'll reach towards the sky. Just you wait!


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