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The End of CTC '10

After 2 months of hard work and large amount of money spent, CTC '10 has finally come to an end. We had our arguements and misunderstandings throughout the meetings and pre-camps but that doesn't stop us from being friends most importantly, a family. It may be my FIRST CTC in my entire life but I gotta say, this year is my favorite. I've met a lot of new friends throughout this camp, people like ( Mei Chern, Celia, Arthur, Liwen, Yi Hwee, Lushi, Xi Mann, Durga, Veronica, Wendy, Lorraine, Jia Sin, Michelle and many more!)
I can't thank my patrol enough for making this year very special! GLAXUS FOREVER! To all my faithful members, to be exact, my brothers and sisters, PL Jason Teoh, Boon Leong, Jonathan, Chin Chai, Boon Yeong, PS Bernice, Megan, Kellie, Sze Lyn, Vanneeda, Tessa, Nicole, Yee Lin, Min Sze, Wei Th'ng, Noriko, Mei Sum, Yen Xing, Alison, though we might not have been as close as ever, I still believe that GLAXUS will always shine like a STAR. No matter how far the distance take us, we are still connected through a very special bond that remains unbreakable. In this post, I'd like to apologize for every of my actions that might have brought us down. I don't want to be exiled from this patrol eventhough it has already happened. I'll be ready for anything if you have lots to throw at me.
To all my faithful friends who have always been there for me ( Heymen, Wei Sh'ng, Ryan, Zhi Hoong, Boo Yean, and Kok Seng ), I thank you for being the best friends I can ever have! You have always been there for me whenever I was brought down to my knees. We shed the pain and laughter together. Together, we are unstoppable! I love you, guys. And I'll always have you in my heart.
Last but not least, to all the last line of EXCOs for this year, you have always been the backbone of 8th South. Without your leadership and guidance, 8th South is nothing. Thank you for taking us this far! We will not let you down as next year is our turn to take a stand! Thank you for showing me the REAL spirit of Scouting! And I wish you the all the best for the years ahead of all of you!

CTC '10 will live on forever in our hearts!


meisum said...

emo die you

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