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Things we do...

We are young but naive at the same time.
We never think about the consequences of every actions we take.
And yet, we still strive for freedom and pleasure.
But all at what cost?
To be brought down and blinded into chains?
Well, one things for sure...
We are all very vulnerable to tiny little deeds no matter how small...
That's why we should grow up and learn how to listen for once.
Until that one day, when we learn how to spread our wings and fly.
Without the right guidance, we will fall and break our wings.
Our wings symbolizes the dreams and future,
Once we lose them, it'll take forever for them to grow back.
So please learn whatever you need to learn,
And value them as they will benefit you in many ways,
And promise 'them' that you'll fly one day...

As told by Wayne Yip....


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