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Well, it's pretty obvious that there's gonna be pictures involved. Lots of interesting things happened over the past few days. Yeah, photography is a really big part of it.
"No picture, no story", as they say.

The 8th Georgetown South Troop Crest! Art by Wayne!

I've tried to take up a little bit on macro photography. The shots I've taken below wasn't taken with my lens. My uncle from Johor, an enthusiast photographer, happened to visit Taiping. Yes, he's loaded with camera lenses. He gave me a few tips on macro photography. It was quite interesting. Below here are my fave shots.

This shot was taken with a 105mm macro lens with a 49mm macro converter. It took me about 6 tries to get this shot.
My earphones. Taken with a 105mm macro lens
This was taken with my 50mm with a 49mm macro converter.

Well, that's not all of the pictures I've taken. There's more but this is all I can do for now. Well, I still have a week ahead of me. But it'll mostly be studies and more studies throughout the rest of the holidays.... Well to all of you people taking PMR and SPM, good luck and catch ya later!


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